Grocery Ecommerce Shoppers Prefer 3rd-Party Delivery Services Over Grocers' Own - Or, Maybe It's Just That Consumers Have to Few Choices?

The Published Story - "Grocery Ecommerce Shoppers Prefer 3rd-Party Delivery Services Over Grocers' Own. While the number of grocers building out their ecommerce infrastructure grows every year, most customers prefer to use alternative delivery services such as Google Express, Instacart or Ocado, according to a new report from Paris-based multinational consulting corporation Capgemini. READ HERE!...."

Although it goes against all logic on the part of a grocery store owner investing to increase their brand with quality, great customer experience, a well stocked store, the right product mix and online ordering, the recent study on this subject says - 

We doubt this story is complete. We feel badly for grocers that have worked on slim margins for decades only to find themselves without the flexibility to add delivery options.  But then, grocery stores are very complex market places with specific regulatory and multiple product constraints that allow them 'movement' on filled orders that require appropriate refrigeration, safe transit, but with few options for economy of scale.  In other words, delivery turns the grocery store model upside down.  

Still, consumers want delivery and ease of ordering and, just because consumers "say" they want third party delivery, it may just mean they want ordering and delivery to be performed more expeditiously.

The report (link above) also showed somewhat dubious stats, for example, that -

  • Some 40 percent of customers currently order groceries online at least once a week, with the number expected to reach 55 percent by 2021
  • Some 40 percent of customers class delivery services as a "must have" when purchasing food and grocery products, with 20 percent prepared to switch retailers if this isn't provided
  • Evolving consumer behavior is also fueling greater immediacy in purchasing, as 59 percent of customers purchase products online when they need them, rather than wait until the weekend to buy in-store
  • Organizations are currently charging customers only 80 percent of the overall delivery cost, and deliveries are now the most expensive part of the supply chain

      Progressive Grocer Suggests Online and Delivery Can Double ECommerce Success....CLICK ON THE IMAGE FOR MORE

      PorchBoxDrop Allows Grocers to Escape 3rd Party Deliverer Familiarity vs Store Brand Familiarity
      By recommending a PorchBoxDrop, your customers will be receiving their groceries WITHOUT the 'personality' of a third party delivery by someone who has no 'economic' choice, because their earnings depend upon it, but to ingratiate themselves to your customers to increase a tip. Your employees would never do that, and they would never need to. However, Instacart (et. al.) deliverers replace YOUR store branding and personality for a few shillings of a tip. Is that how you want your grocery store to be marketed?

      Read the linked article and register your vote in their poll - 

      Register YOUR vote and let's see what percentage of people really want delivery!